Bowflex Adjustable Dumbells

Not that I am promoting the Bowflex adjustable dumbells but since the name is pretty well known, I thought I'd write a little bit about it here. The following commercial was how I first learned about this amazing workout equipment.

This is a much better way of describing how cool this equipment is compared to just writing about it. As you can see, the ease of changing weights with these adjustable dumbells is pretty insane. I remember I used to have one of those dumbbells that use plates where I would screw these pin to tighten this metal holder at the ends to keep the plates from slipping off. It was the biggest pain in the neck to have to do that each time I increase the weights. Also, having all of those plates were a hassle as well since they take up so much room. So what I did was stacked them up to save some space but when it came time to use the plates, unstacking them to get the bottom plate was a pain as well.

I'm glad those days are over. Being able to change the weights from a bench press set to bicep curls in simple twist of a knob is pretty crazy. I have a gym membership and normally to there to workout but on days where I'm running low on time or just don't feel like going to the gym due to weather, having equipments like this is definitely convenient. I could easily just do a few sets of chest presses, quickly change the weights and follow it up by a burn out with flies, increase the weights again for a few sets of shoulder presses, quickly decrease the weights to follow it up with lateral raises for a burnout, then finally end with some tricep exercises.

There are other adjustable dumbells as well and I'll be writing about them in a future post. The design and the weight selecting feature are different for each one. You'll be able to better decide which one is adjustable dumbell is best for you. I'll be talking about the advantages and disadvantages of each with things like price, usability, convenience, and looks for example. I'll also try to find the best places to get the ones you want at the lowest prices possible.