Adjustable Dumbells

One of the greatest recent inventions when it comes to workout equipment is the adjustable dumbells. Any who has ever worked out at the gym knows that it can sometimes be a hassle having to find the right weights you need that's not already being used. The good thing about the gym though is that you have a wide range of weights to work with.

As you know, having those many dumbbells at home just isn't practical. It would take up way too much space. Well, now you have the adjustable dumbbells. When this first came out on the market, I thought this was to coolest invention when it comes to weights. You're able to switch from light weights to heavy ones with a simple adjustment and the best part is it all just 1 set of dumbbells.

The first time I saw this was on a Bowflex commercial. I own a Bowflex myself and the ease of switching weights and the range of motion that it gives me is incredible so once I saw that they made adjustable dumbbells, I knew they would be good but passed up on the idea because of the cost. About a year later, I started seeing different versions of this thing at sports stores. The way you adjust the weights were a bit different but the concept was all the same. So naturally, I tried it out.

I have to say that the ease of switching weights is such a convenience. You don't have to carry the weights back to its place like you have to do in the gym. It's all there, everything you need, in one spot. The only thing that was weird at first was the shape of the dumbbell since it's longer than a normal one. But after doing several sets, I already started to get used to it. Yes, I was doing an arm workout right there at the store. The good part was the the prices were a lot cheaper than when these things first came out. You gotta love competition.

There is just so much benefit to having this piece of equipment. Buying all the dumbbells you need to equal the range of weights you get with one of these adjustable dumbbells will cost you way more money. On top of that, it's going to take up way more room in your house as well. This is one convenient, space saving, powerful piece of work. It's one of the best investments I've made. No longer do I have to settle for those hold rusted dumbbells. I used to have the kind where you have to unscrew the holder and put plates on. That took so much time that it was ridiculous. I guess that's why I love the adjustable dumbbell set so much. The alternative is just a pain.

What you'll find on this site is a guide to choosing the right set for you. Not all adjustable dumbells are the same. Some of them are poorly made and might just frustrate you. I'll also be giving some workout tips as well. Enjoy.

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Adjustable Dumbell Set

Which adjustable dumbell set is the best? Is one type actually better than another? When you go to the gym, you will see a couple of different types of dumbells usually. Are they pretty much all the same? For the most part, yes. The main point of having these dumbbells is to apply weight to your body parts when you lift them. So in terms of accomplishing your main purpose they are all pretty much the same. But when it comes to those adjustable ones, then there are some differences but not in terms of the effectiveness of achieving your main goal of building muscle. It's more about which one is more convenient and durable.

If you've ever had one of those weight plates that were made of stone covered by a piece of plastic, then you will appreciate the durability of any of the newer types of dumbells made of metal or a rubber material. Let's face it, when we go all out at times while working out, we will sometimes drop the weights to the ground. Having dumbells that are made of materials that can handle drops is important. Most dumbells today though are made of strong material so the bigger concern is actually your flooring.

Some adjustable dumbell sets are just plain metal blocks with corners. If you have not carpeted floor, it may damage the floor if the corner part of the dumbbell hits the ground. There are other ones that are made of a more rubbery type of material. The best thing to do though is to have your workout area matted with at least a 1/4 inch of padding. This will protect your floors and equipment as well. You can buy these floor mats in pieces and stick them together like a jigsaw puzzle. They aren't too expensive if you don't need that much. You can buy these online. Do a price comparison first though.

The next thing you want to look at in terms of which adjustable dumbell set to buy is the ease of switching the weights. For some, like the Bowflex one, all you need to do is turn a dial to the right number. For others, you have to pull up on a lever and slide it to the right slot. Realize that these are just machines and that machines break down and wear out over time. So you want to pick one that you think will still give you the ease of changing the weight even if it's a little worn out. For example, if the lever one gets worn out or rusty, it may be hard to pull it up and it may even hurt your fingers.

The last thing you want to consider when buying an adjustable dumbell set is price. In general, expect to spend anywhere from $100-$500 or more for a set of these. The price difference is based on the brand, ease of use, material, and maximum weight. If you don't lift a lot of weights, you can opt for the cheaper ones that only go up to 12.5 pounds. The higher the maximum weight, the more expensive it will be obviously. In the next few posts, I'll be reviewing a few of the top brands of adjustable dumbell sets.

Bowflex Adjustable Dumbells

Not that I am promoting the Bowflex adjustable dumbells but since the name is pretty well known, I thought I'd write a little bit about it here. The following commercial was how I first learned about this amazing workout equipment.

This is a much better way of describing how cool this equipment is compared to just writing about it. As you can see, the ease of changing weights with these adjustable dumbells is pretty insane. I remember I used to have one of those dumbbells that use plates where I would screw these pin to tighten this metal holder at the ends to keep the plates from slipping off. It was the biggest pain in the neck to have to do that each time I increase the weights. Also, having all of those plates were a hassle as well since they take up so much room. So what I did was stacked them up to save some space but when it came time to use the plates, unstacking them to get the bottom plate was a pain as well.

I'm glad those days are over. Being able to change the weights from a bench press set to bicep curls in simple twist of a knob is pretty crazy. I have a gym membership and normally to there to workout but on days where I'm running low on time or just don't feel like going to the gym due to weather, having equipments like this is definitely convenient. I could easily just do a few sets of chest presses, quickly change the weights and follow it up by a burn out with flies, increase the weights again for a few sets of shoulder presses, quickly decrease the weights to follow it up with lateral raises for a burnout, then finally end with some tricep exercises.

There are other adjustable dumbells as well and I'll be writing about them in a future post. The design and the weight selecting feature are different for each one. You'll be able to better decide which one is adjustable dumbell is best for you. I'll be talking about the advantages and disadvantages of each with things like price, usability, convenience, and looks for example. I'll also try to find the best places to get the ones you want at the lowest prices possible.